2018-2019 School of Medicine Bulletin [Archived Catalog]
NPSY D615 - Psychiatry Acting Internship (AI) - Columbia Credits: 4
A four-week, four-credit hour required clerkship in the fourth year. Students are required to complete the Acting Internship (AI) in one of the following: Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, or Surgery. The AI emphasizes basic generalist competencies, is predominantly an inpatient experience, and includes night call or night call equivalent. Acting interns are essential members of the ward teams, although students’ patient loads can be adjusted according to their aptitude. Some of the selectives also provide a minor amount of ambulatory clinical learning. The student has primary and direct responsibility for the continuing care of patients in the community or in one of the University of South Carolina School of Medicine programs at Palmetto Health Richland and the Dorn Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Columbia, the McLeod Regional Medical Center and the Carolina Hospital System in Florence, or the Grand Strand Regional Medical Center in Myrtle Beach. Alternatively, a student may elect to complete the AI as an extramural rotation but must have prior approval for this rotation from the USCSM AI director. The primary mode of instruction is clinical preceptorship. Other educational material may be presented via attending rounds, didactic lectures, subspecialty lectures, weekly grand rounds, resident case presentations, rounds with residents, clinical pathologic conferences, etc., and is dependent upon the specific rotation. Assessment will focus on core clinical skills, including, but not limited to, history and physical examinations, clinical decision making, case presentation, communication with patients, test selection and interpretation, and therapeutic decision making.
Note: Restricted to medical students.