Jan 31, 2025
2018-2019 School of Medicine Bulletin [Archived Catalog]
NPSY D605 - Psychiatry Clerkship Credits: 6
A six-week, six-credit-hour required clerkship in the third year which consists of a three-week assignment to an inpatient psychiatric unit and a three-week assignment in an outpatient/sub-specialty psychiatric setting. The overall goal of the clerkship is to provide a “hands-on” approach to learning psychiatry applicable to the general practice of medicine. While building on the first- and second-year knowledge of psychiatric/development concepts, the rotation emphasizes the ability to perform the various tasks necessary for evaluation, referral and treatment of psychiatric problems. Skills and knowledge in psychopharmacology, differential diagnosis, treatment planning, and the doctor/patient relationship are developed. A variety of clinical rotation sites is available. Required clerkship components include attendance at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and a faculty-reviewed videotaped interview. Primary methods of instruction include lecture, case-based discussion/presentation with individual tutors, clinical preceptorship, conferences, small-group discussion, and teaching rounds. Modes of assessment include the Psychiatry NBME subject examination, clinical evaluations, and an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). Demonstration of mastery of a prescribed set of clinical skills, included on the Clinical Skills Attainment Document, is required for successful completion of this clerkship.
Note: Restricted to medical students.